Our Purpose For This Statement Of Faith
                                         We are a full Bible Believing Church

1.That we can speak the same things.
    I Corinthians 1:10
2.That we can walk together in agreement.
    Amos 3:3
3.That we can be built together for a habitation of God.
    Ephes 2:21-22

This We Believe:
1. That all scripture is given by the inspiration of God and it is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction and for instruction in righteousness. II Timothy 3:16

2. That our God has three (3) persons (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), yet one God. Deuteronomy 6:4, Matthew 3:16-17

3. That all must be born-again to enter the Kingdom of God, and to receive His blessings, to have peace with God, and to meet Jesus in the air. There is only one way. Entering through the door (Jesus) by believing in your heart and confessing with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and that God has raised Him from the dead. John 3:3, John 10:10, Romans 10:9-10

4. Man is a created being, made in the likeness and image of God, but through Adam’s transgression and fall, sin came into the world. “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one.” Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was manifested to undo the work of the devil and gave His life and shed His blood to redeem and restore man back to God. Romans 5:14, Romans 3:10, Romans 3:23, I John 3:8 Salvation is the gift of God to man, separate from works and the law, and is made operative by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, producing works acceptable to God. Ephesians 2:8

5. Baptism in water is by immersion, is a direct commandment of our Lord, and is for believers only. The ordinance is a symbol of the Christian’s identification with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection. Matthew 28:19, Romans 6:4, Colossians 2:12, Acts 8:36-39 The following recommendation regarding the water baptismal formula is adopted to wit: “On the confession of your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and by His authority, I baptize you in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

6. The Baptism in the Holy Ghost is a gift from God as promised by the Lord Jesus Christ to all believers in this dispensation and is received by the initial evidence of speaking in other tongues as the Holy Spirit, Himself, gives utterance. Matthew 3:11, John 14:16-17, Acts 2:38-39, Acts 19:1-7, Acts 2:4

7. That faith comes to the believer by hearing God’s Word. Romans 10:17

8. That we release our faith by: Mark 11:23, James 2:22 a. Believing in our heart what God’s Word says. b. Confessing it with our mouth. c. And putting corresponding action to our belief.

9. In the manifestation of the miraculous power of God in the lives of all believers, through faith in God’s Word, through the in-dwelling Holy Spirit, The fruit of the Spirit, and gifts of the Holy Spirit. I Corinthians 12:7-10, Galatians 5:22

10. That it is God’s desire for all believers to be healthy and prosperous. III John 2

11. That Jesus has overcome – He is victorious, more than a conqueror, and we as His Body are the same through Him. Ephesians 1:19-23

12. That all believers have been given authority over all of the power of the enemy, and we as believers are to declare the truth of the Gospel (good news) to all nations, and that God works with all who believe, confirming His Word with signs following. Luke 10:19, Mark 16:15-20

13. That God’s people perish for a lack of knowledge of His Word. Hosea 4:6, Proverbs 29:18

14. That Jesus is the Head of the Church, and all glory is given to Him alone. It is Jesus that we preach, praise, worship and serve. Ephesians 1:22, John 12:32

15. That Jesus is the Head of the Church, has given Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers; to govern His Body and to mature it (His Body, the saints) for the work of the ministry. All of these five (5) offices are literal offices, functioning in the church today. Ephesians 4:8, Ephesians 4:11-12

16. That Jesus will literally come again for His Body (The Church) which will be perfected, without spot or blemish, looking for faith in the lives of believers. Luke 18:8, Ephesians 5:27, I Thessalonians 4:16-17

17. That all will be judged; the saints for their work, and sinners to condemnation, and Satan and all of his demons to the lake of fire. I Corinthians 3:13-15, Revelation 20:4 Revelation 20:10, Revelation 20:11-15

 18. That the saints shall reign with Christ forever. I Thessalonians 4:17